Vibrations Coaching: Cardinal GuidanceDuring my first session today, I noticed the characteristic call of Cardinal ringing outside my slightly open window. Cardinal has been an important presence in my life since my first cold days in Chicago. It was a dark time for me, going to Law School at Northwestern because that had seemed the practical, logical thing to do, but feeling in my heart that my path was a very different form of service. I was lonely, lost, and unsure.

But the one bright spot in that cold, dark time was Cardinal, stopping by my window at breakfast, without fail. Somehow, his brilliant presence cheered me and encouraged me to persist.

I finally took a long week-end to do a spiritual retreat in the forest and listen for answers, and I was walking amongst the bare trees, not knowing where I’d find a path, when Cardinal showed up, close to me. He sat there, staring at me, then moved to a tree farther along, pausing in the branches. I followed, curious, and he moved again.  Awed, I followed him until I found myself overlooking the wide, expansive lake, knowing that it was what I had been seeking: not just the water, which would lead me home again, but a life in which I could feel the vast, inner freedom that that view communicated to me.

Ever since, Cardinal has always made his home close to mine, and his loud call is quite a constant presence. I still thrill a little when I hear it, because, in spite of our proximity, I still interpret his presence to mean something —every time.

Today, as I was about to begin a session feeling slightly unaligned, somewhat tangled by ego, Cardinal reminded me, with one trill of his voice, that I am called beyond whatever my personality can understand—not for approval, not for a fee, not for the thrill of my work— in sacred service to the unfolding of each woman that sits before me, so she can touch the vast inner freedom she yearns to remember, and build a life aligned with it!

Now You

In the sacred space that we build together, you and I, through these lines and our shared intention, I invite you to slow down your thoughts and take a few, clearing breaths. I invite you to remember the presence of some form of guide in your own life, and the message it shared with you then. How long ago was it? And how is it relevant to you in this present moment? How can you become even more aware of the guidance available to you?

I am curious to hear your reflections, and always awed at how many different answers one question can elicit!

You can choose to open yourself to this kind of mystical, natural guidance and, if you feel you need help remembering how to do it, connect with me and I will help you out.

When Cardinal Calls
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