pwww80qI just caught myself “shoulding” myself!

If you came to me and said you were efforting, straining, feeling tired, I would ask you to examine your expectations. But I have been blind to my own blind spots!

Because that is how we are, we humans, needing one another to show us what we can’t see, holding each other up when we need encouragement, mirroring our strengths and weaknesses to one another.

I needed my coach’s gently inquiry to help me see that my unconscious expectations of what I “should” be offering in the scope of my work was so rigid, it was stopping my flow, not letting me fully access my own guidance.

I may be out of the woods with this, for now, but I know I will likely be in the dark again sometime. That’s how this journey goes.

And that is why I can confidently say it’s probably the same for you!

Now You
So here’s my invitation to you: Give yourself permission, in the sacred space that we create together through these lines and our intentions, to quiet down your thoughts, let your energy settle and focus on relaxing your body. Then, intending to receive insight, and openly holding the question, trusting that what arises is part of your answer, ask the wisest part of you if unconscious expectations are constraining or draining you, and what they are.

And let your awareness be the first step in choosing. Because choosing consciously is what makes you free!

Freedom, flow, allowing What Is to inform us, listening deeply for guidance and then clearing all the “shoulds” and all the “buts,” that is what FLOWERing in Freedom is about. Because of my new energy of flow, instead of rigidity, I am extending registration for this experience (but am limiting the size of the group to 20).

Don’t wait to join me on this journey of being present to your Self, releasing what holds you back from your fullest unfolding.

Image : Garden in the Farm by almdesign

Stop “Shoulding”
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