Today’s video for you is mostly because the language around procrastination is so full of negative judgment. We aren’t here to judge ourselves; when we do, we can’t radiate our brightness or stand in our power. And procrastination is a real energy drain. So, tell me in the comments, what are the things you have been putting off.

I hold a vision of you making powerful decisions and your full Self radiating brightly.

Rethink Procrastination
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4 thoughts on “Rethink Procrastination

  • August 26, 2015 at 1:01 am

    This is beautiful and very grounding, Andrea. Thank you for sharing this video. I love this format!

    • August 26, 2015 at 5:58 pm

      I am glad you enjoy the format, Amy, and found the video grounding. Thank you for leaving a comment!

  • August 26, 2015 at 1:15 am

    Andrea, this was a fantastic video, and just what I needed today. I have noticed that, if I procrastinate long enough, many tasks end up not being necessary at all : )

    • August 26, 2015 at 6:29 pm

      Thank you, Rosetta. I love when the timing is right. I wonder if you’ll be inclined to change your approach to the tasks or not.

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