This winter I realized that I was thinking that taking daily time to meditate and for my spiritual practice is enough to be able to say I am taking care of my Self. Do you recognize that in yourself? Letting thoughts that come from the past coat your view of the present?Vibrations Coaching: Woman and cats playing

More Space for Play

Well, my Soul has been longing for more! It’s asking me to make more space for nourishing, rich fun, for juicy play. For me, that means walking in nature, journaling, drumming, making free-style embroidery or mandalas.

I am reminded that it is when my whole Self is engaged in something joyful, when I am in what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls Flow, that my soul-work gets done, that the impactful awarenesses can come in, where I can release the blocks I don’t know I have. I know that following the threads of what is fun and nourishes my Soul leads me in directions that I want to go- even if I am not clear about where that is, in the moment. A good example: in a circuitous and not-entirely-obvious way, I followed those threads to coaching, which brings me joy each day!

Your Turn

Now I invite you to make use of the the sacred space we create together here. Quiet yourself with a few deep breaths, feel your energy settle around you and ask yourself deeply, but in a spirit of exploration (without committing to anything or inviting overwhelm, just for the fun of it): How could you benefit from allowing yourself to play more? What kind of play do you yearn for? How can you gift yourself with it? What threads would you like to follow?
I would love to hear what you learned! And if it felt overwhelming to ask, or the answers felt too big, connect with me so that I can support you!


Photo by Andreas Krappweiss
Following Threads
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