I just had a life-changing experience. No, I mean a *real* life-changing experience. You know how that sometimes happens when you least expect it, and then you’re awestruck. In just a few minutes, bam! Andrea instinctively got to the heart of something important that has been holding me back my whole life! If you know that something deep is getting in your way, but it’s stubborn or you just can’t put your finger on what it is, please get in touch with her.
What’s different about Andrea is that she distills the healing and message into something very clear: so clear that it’s just dumbfoundingly brilliant. Delivered in the most compassionate and loving way. Wow. Guys, I don’t want to be annoying, but I really wish everyone would experience her work.
Rosetta Magdalen, TheDynamicDivorcee.com, Chicago, IL
Andrea helped me transform fear into profit in just one session! She helped me identify some things I hadn’t even realized about myself with such loving spirit and presence, I felt completely at ease and comfortable going to that place. She accelerated the experience of getting in touch with some beliefs that I had about what I was capable of doing in my business. It was phenomenal! If you are up to doing big things and getting in touch with the gifts that you bring, and getting them out into the world, I highly recommend that you give her a call!
Staci Page Oien, TakeSanctuary.com, Evanston, IL
Andrea turns on the lightbulb in your head and helps you see the obvious. Once she taught me to recognize my limiting beliefs and energy drains, which were preventing me from achieving maximum success, my business plan instantly became clearer, I am more successfully making money, and am happier with who I choose as clients. As a mompreneur, I highly recommend Andrea as a resource for business success and work/life balance. She is a joy to be around and her sense of calm and positivity instantly put you in a state of comfort. -Meg, SimplyOrganizedByMeg.com, Park Ridge, IL
I am a professional actress and was experience debilitating stage fright the likes of which I had never encountered. My heard was pounding before entrances, I was forgetting lines and I was terrified of being fired. After two hours coaching with Andrea, I felt lighter and easier in the world and the next time I walked onstage in front of an audience I felt grounded, focused and proud of my work! I was able to recall every line and connect with my scene partners. Furthermore, she gave me tools to help me through future challenges which have been deeply empowering and effective.
Professional Actress, Chicago, IL
You give me the greatest gift that can be given; you give me the possibility to love myself. I can soften my stance and dance. And when I stiffen, I can live that state and observe whatever comes from it.
Jackie Seiden, Chicago, IL
Andrea is a genuine healer–the real deal–someone who is able to hold sacred space through the gift of profound presence. After my first session with her, I felt lighter and able to separate from dark, damaging thoughts that were keeping me stuck and sad. She is direct and compassionate and helps to create a sense of ease and trust that allows for deep and transforming work to happen under her guidance.
Emily G., Evanston, IL
I have been to so many meditations – yoga, zen, Buddhist- gotten counseling, etc., and so far only two have managed to reach me. My counselor in SF who did boundary work with me 10 years ago had a similar style to yours, but yours is even much more powerful! Your sessions are excellent, so much more creative and adaptive! Your tool box is incomparable. And you have this uncanny sense of zooming in on exactly what is blocking me. You are my guardian angel, picking up just on the right things. Thank you for your guidance, Andrea.
Kathi Davis, NewYork, NY
I’ve known & worked with Andrea for the last two years. Often I feel uncertain when she starts talking — I think because I sense that she can help me access my inner truth & self-knowledge which I never THINK I want to access. But I just breathe & go along & it always turns out meaningful, illuminating, helpful, insightful, gratifying & many other things, and NOT negative/scary/problematic. ALWAYS hugely thankful that I didn’t bail.
Dori Conn, Chicago, IL
You have some kind of special gift – it’s kindness and compassion combined with insight, intelligence and a “knowing” about life and people. You have wisdom and you help me by sharing that. I never quite know what will “stick” but you always say or mention something that helps me along this journey. Thank you!
Ellen Wood, Chicago, IL
When I met Andrea, I immediately recognised that there is something unique about her, a special gift of insight that enhances her coaching. She acts as a facilitator, assisting in what is ultimately a process of self-discovery, and she has helped me identify the obstacles and behavior patterns that were inhibiting my personal and professional progress. As a result of our work, I have been able to summon the courage to address the obstacles, and addressing the challenges created a positive feedback loop that resulted in improvements in many other areas of my life as well. Andrea is the person to whom I turn whenever I need to think through difficult issues or to make important decisions.
Martin Bingham, Weston, FL
I called my friend after I left you, Andrea, and told her it was an excellent session, it was practical and inspiring and motivating. Your sessions always are. You act as my conscience and also my space to reflect and see the truth. Thank you.
Linda Patchett, Chicago, IL
Thank you for being so thoughtful, gentle, understanding, insightful and just generally an awesome teacher, healer and coach from whom I’ve already learned so much! I look forward to continuing our relationship. It’s very comforting to know that I can turn to you for guidance!
Kate Niklasson, Seattle, WA
From the first session, Andrea helped me begin to clear my blocks to success by intuitively listening and encouraging me to probe deeper into my limiting beliefs. One of my blocks was investing in myself. As soon as I did invest in myself by engaging Andrea as a coach, the floodgates opened on my massage business. In fact, during our first session together, the phone rang twice and both turned out to be opportunities to expand my business. In the weeks following, I booked 10 completely new clients. I highly recommend Andrea to anyone who is looking to make positive change in their lives whether in business or personally.
Kathy Kessenich, Well Being Massage Therapy, Evanston, IL
I wouldn’t be where I’m at, had I not experienced what I did with you. It’s so powerful, I couldn’t even imagine it when we started out. I am so grateful to have found you in my path: someone who understands me and helped me out of feeling stuck! Now, when I find myself faced with some difficulty, I remember what I have learned with you and I know that I can handle it, and learn more in the process!
Rocio Santos, Chicago, IL
Every conversation we have exists for me in two ways: (1) Receiving wisdom through someone who is blessed, inspired by their work and is a blessing to others and (2) Feeling universal support, hearing it’s voice and recognizing that it speaks to us in the language WE understand, through those who can help us.
This wisdom that you share is always teaching my Spirit how to keep the evolution going. I am so grateful, that I’m actually in shock by the profound message that you have communicated. It is amazing to see how the “other side” endows you with special gifts that have the ability to assist others in metamorphosis. You are truly blessed and a blessing to others by choosing to embrace your gifts. Truly inspiring.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Carolyn Harrison, New York, NY
It’s not just that she listens well, it is that Andrea Friedmann’s listening style forces a certain amount of honesty out of you, which is not always comfortable, to be honest, but it is very healthy. I found myself continuing to reflect on our conversation far beyond the individual coaching session. Our work together facilitated an honest reflection within myself that allowed me to move past some old, tired conversations that I hadn’t even realized I had been having until then.
Lisa Boragine, Raynham, MA
Andrea Friedmann is a spectacular Speaker and Healer. She will make you feel your hidden energy, guide you to embrace all that is within you, and provide extra light to lead your way once you leave!
Irene Flores, Puerto Rico, PR
I worked with Andrea for almost a year and could quickly see and feel huge differences in my life! Andrea is a very open and intuitive person. I trusted her right away (which is a rarity for me when I first meet/ start working with people). That trust led to some very powerful work stemming from our sessions together. I cannot recommend Andrea enough! She knows what her clients need and intuits the best ways to help them move forward as enlightened, stronger, true spiritual beings on their journeys through life.
Amy P., New York, NY
Andrea Friedmann is an amazing teacher and healer. Her work is divinely-inspired, culturally-sensitive, and spiritually-grounded. Above all, Andrea is able to recognize, communicate with, and connect you to your higher self.
Brigitinne French, Iowa City, IA
One of Andrea’s many gifts include that she truly does see and connect to your highest self. Her commitment to being aware of and honoring your best self then naturally deepens your own attention to it, as well, gently inviting you to live from a conscious awareness of your own beauty with far greater frequency.
Amy Davis, Evanston, IL
I am deeply grateful to Andrea for having guided us with great wisdom and dedication during a difficult time, and for helping us find again the momentum and the strength that we needed to continue moving forward with our mission.
Gloria Velez, Chicago, IL