Living with uncertainty can mean the constant energetic drain of worry, but there is another way of being with the truth of What Is, with greater freedom
A Gift That Gifts the Giver
On retreat we offered attentiveness and reverence to the landscape, an energetic gift for the land, but also a gift for ourselves that is always accessible.
When We Don’t Even Know What’s Keeping Us Stuck
Have you found yourself feeling thankful for clarity about what you need to be working on? I have a dear friend, whose daughter has had trouble reading throughout elementary school, in spite of everyone’s best efforts to help her
Striving, Always Striving
You know that habit we seem to have, to want things to be different all the time, no matter what the circumstances? Even after all these years on this journey of self-acceptance, of choosing to allow myself to unfold instead
Where Did That Time Go?
I have been meditating on time these days. If you have been following Soul to Soul, you may already know that time is one of my teachers about lack and abundance and alignment. And if you are new here, welcome,
When the Outcomes are Out of My Hands
The past months were busy and overly full with the regular already heavy schedule for my family, as well as additional activities, responsibilities and emotional work around 8th grade graduation from a close knit school community, and preparations for my
It’s Not What It Looks Like
Is something coming up again and again, plaguing you because you can’t seem to get a real handle on it? Or is it something that simply doesn’t give way to anything you try to do to change it? In other
What is an Inner-Directed Life?
Do you live an inner-directed life? What does that mean to you? (I really want to know!) Living a Soul-directed life requires attentiveness, even vigilance, and a willingness to see what is present, to follow where we are led. Because
Stop “Shoulding”
I just caught myself “shoulding” myself! If you came to me and said you were efforting, straining, feeling tired, I would ask you to examine your expectations. But I have been blind to my own blind spots! Because that is
What Would Make the Difference?
Fear comes in so many guises! For Ellen, an accomplished young dancer, it was a hovering presence that threatened to destroy her fledgling career on the stage with physical symptoms of nausea and shaking. For Diana, it was an insidious feeling that crept