Vibrations Coaching: 5 ways to Raise Your Emotional Energy, two adults enjoying music togetherEverything is energy.  That means everything, also our emotions. 

Our emotions are great sign posts to inform us what’s going on below the surface, and we ignore them at our peril. But once we get the information and decide what we want to do with it, we can let any heavy, sad, or angry energy go. 

Sometimes, though, it won’t release just because we say we want it to!

When that happens, here are some things I like to do to raise my emotional energy:

1. Listen to uplifting music. When I was a teenager and prone to habitual negative emotions from the first moment after waking, I made some inspiring tapes (yes, that’s the era I am from), and leave them in the recorder to press play first thing, to set the tone for my day.

2. Do a vibration-raising breathing exercise.  My clients find this especially useful when something that feels beyond their control is beginning to take their thoughts hostage. There are many examples of breath work, including this one that I have shared before.  Here’s another: take a deep breath with the intention of raising your vibrations (think of something that makes you feel joyful or tender, or try to feel positive, light—if the feelings aren’t genuine, emulate them), then let the air out with the intention of blowing out with it all the things that are stressing you out or keeping you down (your worries, your stress, any negativity around you). Let yourself feel the release as you blow, and repeat the process at least three times. You will notice that you feel lighter and better with each in-breath.  Repeat as necessary until you feel more joyful and calm.

3. Move.  Dance (specially if it’s to uplifting music), get a workout, or challenge a friend to a game of something fun that will get your blood pumping. Moving and exercise have been shown to be mood enhancers, which is another word for raised vibrations.

4. Take a walk outside.  This can be a quick pop out to the street or a longer stroll in an especially beautiful, natural environment. Movement and fresh air often suffice to shift heavy energy, but to go beyond that and really open up to feeling joy, the secret is to take the time to notice, to relish the sky and the ground, the trees and the grass, any elements of Nature around you.

5. Do ReikiThis is a form of energy work with a very high vibration that always has a centering effect on me. If you aren’t attuned to Reiki, you can learn or schedule a session with a practitioner, but there are also other forms of energy work, such as yoga, Tai Chi, or Chi Gong, that I am less familiar with.

What are your favorite ways to raise your emotional energy?  I am sincerely curious, and here, so please do share!

5 Ways to Raise Your Emotional Energy
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